I was born and raised in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. After high school, I moved to the
Netherlands to study. That's where I am now - studying for a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in
Business Information Technology at the University of Twente.
While in high school, I had the opportunity to study computer science. This is where I discovered my
passion for coding. I consider myself very lucky to have found a passion I can pursue as a career at
such a young age. During my coding journey, I have tried many different things. I have done web
development, game development, mobile development and even dabbled a bit with artificial
intelligence. I also have some cool achievements I managed to get along the way. I reached the top
0.5% on Codewars, I
won a university tournament and even coached several people at the beginning of their coding
I have loads of hobbies. I love cooking my own meals. My favorite dish is probably some sort of
stir-fry with rice noodles. I love trying out new recipes and I'm constantly experimenting. I also
play a lot of games. My most played video games are League of Legends and Team Fortress 2. I have
also played a ton of board games and it would be hard to pick a favorite. I'm constantly listening
to music - my favorite genres are EDM, metal and electro swing. The stock market and economy are
also a huge interest of mine. I read about the economy, news about specific companies and new
technologies on a daily basis.
Want to find out more? Let's talk! I'm always open to opportunities and love meeting new people.
Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or send me an email. I'm looking forward to hearing from